Mode Change Begin

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Revision as of 17:00, 25 August 2019 by Admin (talk | contribs) (→‎See Also)
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The Mode Change Begin macro is used to automatically switch playback from the current mode to another mode. It is usually paired with a Mode Change End macro which resets playback back to the original mode.


To insert a Mode Change Begin macro, select the existing macro after which the mode change should take place, and then select menu option Insert > Insert Special Macro > Mode Change Begin. For each of the primary playback modes (Demo mode, Practice mode, Test mode, and Concurrent mode) select the mode that playback should switch to in the applicable properties (see below).

Playback will continue in the specified mode until either a Mode Change End macro is encountered, or the end of the current Step is reached. Playback always reverts to the original mode at the end of the Step. If you need the mode change to span multiple Steps, simply copy the first Mode Change Begin macro and paste this as the first macro in every subsequent Step. You do not need to duplicate the Mode Change End macros.


See Also