
From SAP Enable Now Wiki


  • Simulation content object > Input Text macro > Simulation > Animated property
  • Simulation content object > Select Single macro > Simulation > Animated property


This property allows you to choose whether or not the action of entering text or selecting a value from a drop-down list is 'animated' during playback in Demo mode (it does not make a difference in other modes). The 'animation' works as follows:

  • For Input Text macros, text appears one character at a time, as if it is being typed by a user - although this only applies to the first 10 or 12 characters; subsequent characters are all displayed at once (presumably to speed things up a bit). If animation is not used, the full text appears in the input field as soon as the macro starts.
  • For Select Single macros, the drop-down list expands down from the input field, and then collapses up again when a selection is made, in smooth motion. If animation is not used, the Selected Value appears in the input field as soon as the macro starts.

In general, you would want to use animation effects, as this is typically closer to how the application works.