Defining actions

From SAP Enable Now Wiki

About Book Page object Actions

Several Book Page objects have one or more Actions properties that allow you to trigger actions against other Book Page objects. This 'trigger' can be an action that is performed against the (first) object, or a change in its state, or expiration of a Time Control.

For example, an Image can have an On Click action property that displays a second image. To clarify the terminology, this example would be defined as:

  • Triggering object: Image 1
  • Trigger: On Click
  • Target object: Image 2
  • Action: Display

The triggers that are available for the triggering object depends on the type of triggering object, and the actions that are available for a target object depends upon the type target object (refer to the relevant Book Page object definition page), but how actions are defined is always the same, as explained below.

Defining actions for a Book Page object

To define actions for a Book Page object, carry out the following steps:

  1. Select the appropriate trigger property for the Book Page object.
  2. In the Actions property field, click Add, to add a new row to the Actions table.
  3. In the leftmost column, select the target option from the drop-down (of all objects on the current Book Page that have available actions).
  4. In the rightmost column, select the action that should be performed for the target object.
  5. Repeat Steps 2-4 to defining additional Object/Action pairs (all actions will be triggered at the same time).