
From SAP Enable Now Wiki


SAP Companion parameter, specified either in the URL or in the SAP Companion parameters in the linked application.


When a user attempts to access SAP Enable Now content via SSO, SAP Enable Now will check with the access provider, and when it receives positive authentication, a message of You have now been authenticated. Your request has been forwarded to the target application for processing. is briefly displayed in an iFrame. If the user is not authenticated, they are prompted to enter a Userid and password.

This parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait after issuing the authentication request, before showing the result of the authentication. Because the 'authenticated' message is automatically dismissed a few seconds after it is displayed, this parameter can be used to effectively suppress this message, and only display the manual login screen if authentication fails.


Specified as:


where ss is the number of seconds to wait before displaying the message (if it hasn't been automatically dismissed in this period). The default value is 10.