Input Type

From SAP Enable Now Wiki



This property defines the way in which the user is prompted for answers to a Fill in the Fields question. The options are:

  • Text: The user is required to enter text into the input field(s). This is not case-sensitive.
  • Text (case-sensitive): The user is required to enter text into the input field(s) using exactly the same capitalization as that used in the Answer field(s).
  • Integer: The user is required to enter a whole number into the input field(s).
  • Floating Point Number: The user is required to enter a number that may include a decimal component into the input field(s). For example, 123, 123.4, 123.45, and so on.
  • Regular Expression: The user's input is validated against the Regular Expression entered into the Answer field.
  • Comma Separated Values: If multiple Answers are required, then this option will result in a single input field being provided, and the user is required to enter all answers into this single field, separated by commas. This is not case-sensitive.
  • Comma Separated Values (Case Sensitive): If multiple Answers are required, then this option will result in a single input field being provided, and the user is required to enter all answers into this single field, separated by commas, and using exactly the same capitalization as that used in the Answer field(s).