Tags (content object Basic Properties property)

From SAP Enable Now Wiki


  • Content object > Basic Properties > Tags


The Tags property allows you to specify one or more words or character string that you want to be associated with the parent content object.

Typically, Tags are used to conceptually group content objects together, but they can also be used in a filter within the Workarea. You can enter any number of Tags (separated by commas), but you should strive for consistency and agree on a common list before you start any development. Tags are internal to the Workarea (they are not visible to users), and are generally just for the convenience of Authors (although in an On-premise implementation you can make a Filter using Tags available to users in the Trainer).


A list of 'master' Tags that Authors can select from can be predefined via menu option Tools > Edit Master Tags, although Authors can also enter any required Tags directly into the property field.

See Also

  • Content object > Basic Properties > Keywords