Translate Manually

From SAP Enable Now Wiki


  • Simulation content object > Start macro > Task Description > Translate Manually property
  • Simulation content object > Step macro > Translate Manually property
  • Simulation content object > action macro > Demo Bubble > Translate Manually property
  • Simulation content object > action macro > Practice Bubble > Translate Manually property


This property indicates that the associated text element should be included in any 'localization' export, so that the text is passed to the translator for translation, and not replaced by 'auto-translation' text if the Simulation is localized into another language.

Any 'default' text generated or captured by SAP Enable Now in selected properties (such as screen names) will be translated 'automatically' if the Simulation is localized into another language, and so this property is initially deselected. However, if the default text is changed during editing, this property is automatically selected, to indicate that the text can no longer be automatically translated, and must be translated manually. Authors can also select this property even if the default text has not been changed, to force manual translation (for example, if a company-specific translation - or no translation - should be used instead of the automatic translation).

See Also