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SAP Companion parameter, specified either in the URL or in the SAP Companion parameters in the linked application.

This parameter replaces the themeBase parameter, which did exactly the same thing.


Used to select the 'color scheme' of the SAP Companion provided help. Almost all colors and accents can be overridden by specific individual parameters.


Specified as:


where the values have the following effects:

belize Matches SAP Belize Theme
belizeplus Matches SAP Belize Deep Theme
default Dark gray tiles and white text, with green highlight/accents
light Light gray tiles and black text, with green highlights/accents
sfsf Designed for SuccessFactors - Blue tiles and white text, with light blue highlights/accents
hcb 'High-contrast black': Black tiles and white text, with tan highlights/accents
hcw 'High-contrast white': White tiles and black text, with blue highlights/accents
horizon Matches SAP Horizon theme: White tiles and dark blue text, with blue highlights/accents; extra rounding on the corners of bubbles.
quartz Matches SAP Quartz Theme: Dusty blue tiles and white text, with blue highlights/accents
quartzlight Matches SAP Quartz Light Theme: White tiles and gray text, with blue highlights/accents

belize and belizeplus were introduced in SAP Companion 3.0.14, to match the Fiori themes Belize and Belize Deep respectively. Handily, if Fiori is set to one of these, SAP Companion will automatically use the other, to provide a suitable contrast.

See Also