Shadow Spread

From SAP Enable Now Wiki



A 3px shadow spread assigned to a 30x30px image, scaled to 500%

This property specifies the number of pixels of solid color Shadow Color that should be shown around the edge of the object before any Shadow Blur is applied to the object.

It is important to note that the Shadow Spread is applied to the outside of the object boundaries, as is illustrated in the example graphic. Normally, the Shadow Blur is applied to the inside of the object boundaries, and the 'shadow' is automatically shifted by 2px to the right and down. If a Shadow Blur is not applied, then the shadow is not shifted (unless you manually apply a Shadow Horizontal and/or a Shadow Vertical). However, if you do apply a blur, then the Shadow Spread is applied to the outside of the object, then the blur is applied to the outside of this, and then the whole shadow is moved 2px down and to the right. This means that the final shadow will extend 8px to the bottom and right from the image (3px spread + 3px blur + 2px shift) and 4px to the top and left (3px spread + 3pd blur -2px shift).

See Also